Copyright and Bioinformatics. Knowledge needs open code

by Andrea Monti – amonti@ unich. it — lawfirm @ andreamonti. net
This article is a reviewed summary of the lecture on Copyrights and Bioinformatics: Knowledge needs Open Codes the author delivered in the Annual Conference of the License Executive Society of Britain and Ireland in Bristol (UK) on 24 and 25 June 2004.
The author thanks Dr. Andrea Cocito and Dr. Stefano Confalonieri of the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation for the technical review of this article, Prof. Enrico Dainese, a professor of Biochemistry at the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Department of the University of Teramo, Dr. Marcella Attimonelli, Professor at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology fo the University of Bari, and Dr. Paolo Vezzoni of the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies of the National Research Council (CNR) of Milan, Italy.
To be published on “Ciberspazio e diritto” Mucchi Editore

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